LAUSD Policy

In accordance with District policy, the following behavior(s), when committed at school, or on the way to or from school, will subject students to suspension or expulsion.


1. Disruptive behaviors or willful defiance of valid authority.


2. Obscenity, habitual vulgarity, profanity, or hate language (e.g.: slurs based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, etc.).


3. Causing attempting or threatening violence or physical injury: (hitting, slapping, kicking, biting, scratching, hair pulling, etc.).


4. Theft or damage to school property or personal property (including graffiti or writing on school property.


5. Extortion or robbery.


6. Possessing, using, offering for sale, furnishing, or being under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind.


7. Possessing, using, offering for sale, furnishing of any drug paraphernalia.


8. Offering for sale or furnishing any substitute substance represented as controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant.


9. Possessing, using, offering for sale or furnishing any firearm, explosive, knife, or other dangerous objects.


10. Falsely reporting a fire or a bomb.